Baby Gender Prediction Methods and Controversy

Many expecting parents use gender prediction methods to determine the gender of their unborn child. When asked if they prefer a boy or a girl, most parents will say that the gender of their unborn child is not important as long as the baby is healthy. Alternatively, there are parents who desire to have a baby of a particular sex. There are several reasons for parents having a gender preference for their unborn child.

Many parents base their decision to have a baby of a particular sex on the children they already have. If a family already has a female child, they may wish to have another of the same sex so that child’s clothing can be passed down to the younger sibling and they can share a room. Or the family may wish to have a boy in order to achieve balance and have children of both genders.

There is a misconception that raising boys is easier than raising girls. A family’s previous experiences with female or male children in the past may also have an effect on their decision. Regardless of their reasoning, every child is different and gender is of no consequence. All parents who have children of the same gender will confess that they have different personalities and are nothing alike.

Baby gender selection is a controversial topic with opposing viewpoints. Many believe that using methods to conceive a baby of the desired sex is morally unethical. Others believe that gender selection is only the beginning and soon we will be choosing a child’s height, personality and other physical features. Supporters of this movement argue that it can be beneficial by avoiding conceiving a child with a genetic disorder or disease.

Despite the ongoing controversy, many aspiring parents use various baby gender prediction methods to conceive the gender they desire. Some methods involve special diets, timing conception according the woman’s ovulation cycle and the use of in vitro fertilization.

Gender Predictor: Selecting the Gender of Your Baby

Many couples are turning to baby gender predictors to select the genders of their babies. Are you ready to conceive? Are you looking for a safe, guaranteed method to choose the sex of your next child? There is a lot of misleading and false information on the internet about gender selection. If you are interested in gender prediction and don’t want to pay an outrageous doctor’s fee, there are methods that you can use in the comfort of your own home.

No gender predictor method is 100% successful. Every family’s fertility and medical history is different. Many scammers will guarantee a 100% success rate regardless of your medical background, age, the female’s cycle or any medications you may be taking. You need proven techniques from an honest source that you and your partner can do to determine if your baby will be a boy or a girl.

You can not influence the sex of your baby by using Chinese astrology. Gender selection and astrology have no connection whatsoever. People who rely on Chinese “baby gender charts” are setting themselves up for failure. Those charts and calendars list certain dates that are favorable for a boy or girl but don’t offer any proof of success. Don’t fall for these scams. There are gender selection methods available that are backed by scientific research.

Pick your baby’s gender by following simple, natural guidelines designed to be effective in preconception gender selection. There are several factors that you and your partner can control in determining your baby’s sex. Eating certain foods, using certain positions and timing are just a few factors involved. So what are you waiting for? Give it a try! Using the correct gender predictor method will give you the baby you desire.